Safety & Security

A major focus for Otara Town Centre is the need to ensure that the local business district is a safe environment for all who work, shop and do business here.

In response to our members’ needs and priorities, we maintain a strong focus on crime prevention, largely through our two dedicated Crime Prevention Managers:  Charlie – who monitors CCTV camera whole day to alert authorities to take action and keep the community safe. We also 4 ambassadors patrolling in the town centre to assist shopkeepers and the community and to keep an eye out on the criminal activity and anti-social behaviour.

  • Emergency call-out assistance to Crime Prevention Manager, between the hours of 9am – 5pm Mon – Fri.
  • Removal of Graffiti and Tagging for free within 24 hours of it being reported.
  • Monitoring and control of window washers to keep members and customers safe.
  • Liaison with NZ Police and local security firms on your behalf.
  • Installation of CCTV cameras in Otara hotspots to decrease crime and increase safety.
  • After-crime support and advice.
  • Community safety network meeting is held monthly & working closely with Maori and Pacific wardens to improve safety.
  • Assist NZ Police with ongoing criminal activity around the Town Centre