Being unproductive can result in a lack of happiness. When you are unable to see yourself progressing or completing tasks, you get worried and agitated. That is why learning how to be productive is critical. According to a Microsoft poll, the average […]
Maintain customer loyalty during COVID
Whether it’s due to public health concerns, severe capacity restrictions in-store, or lower expendable cash among their customer base, it’s unsurprising that many small businesses have suffered some traction in their customer connections during the COVID-19 outbreak. As per a recent […]
Whale Tale comes to Otara Town Centre
In January 2022, a truly immersive experience celebrating Aotearoa, art, and marine conservation came to Otara Town Centre located right in front of Otara Health Centre. Whale Tales is a public art trail exploring the city of sails, and you’re […]
Here’s how you can make grocery shopping easier
It’s an inescapable fact of life: the weekly, biweekly, twice-weekly, or even daily shopping trip. However, regardless of how much time you cut out of your calendar, it always feels as like you’re rushing through the store like a crazy […]
Here’s how to help your omicron anxiety
As we thought we’d come to terms with the Delta variation of COVID-19, along comes Omicron. And the timing couldn’t be worse. If you were looking forwards to the summer season with fewer constraints than previous year, COVID-19-induced anxiety may be […]
Lifestyle changes that can improve your quality of life
When it comes to your health, your lifestyle choices beat your genes by a wide margin. It’s never too late to develop new behaviours that will benefit your health. A positive change is always tough to implement, much more so […]
What is the traffic light system
The alert level system is on the verge of being phased out. The government has established a new traffic light system of limitations that would take the place of the alert level framework after the country achieves 90 percent immunisation […]
Event Permit FAQs – Auckland Council 8 Nov 2021 update
Auckland Council have put together FAQ guide for Event Permits. This tool will support you with your Auckland Council event permit application and to help your event comply with additional COVID-19 Alert Level requirements. Download Event Permit PDF here.
Why is social media marketing important for small businesses?
The way we live our lives has been significantly changed by social media. According to Statistics New Zealand, around 82 percent of the New Zealand population is an active social media user, spending an average of 1 hour and 53 […]
Tips to help kids with school during Covid-19
Plan and prioritise: The core subjects If you are not a trained teacher, set some reasonable objectives for yourself; attempting to cover the entire curriculum will most likely make you and your child nervous (particularly if you’re balancing employment and […]